SSH User Annoyance & Solution

I’m in an environment where whenever I ssh to a machine I have a different username than that of my main machine. For example, the username on my desktop of “Some.Desktop.User,” whereas all the Linux environments I ssh to use the username “Some.Linux.User.” I’ve typed “ssh <host>” countless times, only to be annoyed when I… Continue reading SSH User Annoyance & Solution

Where’s the Alternative OS?

As much as I love Linux (Fedora is my distro of choice), I remain frustrated that no company–at least none that I know of–is doing much to really compete with Windows or Apple. Linux, in my humble opinion, as a desktop OS, remains something usable by the few who enjoy getting their hands dirty with… Continue reading Where’s the Alternative OS?

iOS 7

Yesterday I saw iOS 7 for the first time–on a coworkers phone (beta version). Looks very different. Looks like iOS is taking some queues from Android, which is a major shift in the way things have been in the past. Not sure what I think of it. TechRadar: iOS 7 news

Sonicwall Netextender VPN Strangeness – MacOS

If you get the following strange message when attempting to connect to the VPN using Sonicwall Netextender on MacOS: FATAL: An immediately fatal error of some kind occurred, such as an essential system call failing, or running out of virtual memory. (1) …Take a look at the permissions in /etc/ppp. Something mysteriously changed mine, removing… Continue reading Sonicwall Netextender VPN Strangeness – MacOS

Love My Macbook

I’ve been developing solely on a Macbook Pro for about 6 months now. I can honestly say that it has increased my productivity considerably… I can’t imagine going back.