Coding Horror/The Software Career

I don’t like to just post links to another blog or article. Anyone can do that, and there are far too many blogs out there that create no original content. So I try to write original thoughts and articles. That said, sometimes this is a rule worth breaking. Jeff Atwood has a great post over… Continue reading Coding Horror/The Software Career

How About a Book Club at Work?

The other day I had a thought–Why not start a book club at work? I read a lot, and I generally like to have two books going at a time. One book is fiction (just for fun). The other book is something related to my career, whether it is technical/software, business, or leadership related. A… Continue reading How About a Book Club at Work?

“Grandpa” the Programmer

I don’t buy into the idea that older programmers are less up on newer technology/languages/methods/etc. than their younger counterparts. It depends on the individual. It may be true that at some point people become less interested in learning new things, but this is very different. [Computer World: Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols: Grandpa the programmer]